EGR delete kit

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If you put on AFTERMARKET WHEELS… https://www.dieselegrdelete.comFortunately, i figured it out and i am an idiot for not knowing this before you learn the hard way, sometimes. What’S going on guys, aloha welcome back to the channel. Welcome back to my little piece of paradise, i call the longstar hawaiian garage where we make a lot of mistakes and try to correct them before i destroy the world now we are four tires less occupied right now, specifically, the laundry room is now four tires. Less occupied, we did find a buyer for those. If you remember back, you put those up for sale, the oem trail boss, wheels and tires, and what’s cool is the gentleman that’s actually buying them right now reached out to me weeks ago, before they were even off of the trail, boss and cool enough.
h&s mini maxx tuner https://www.dieselegrdelete.comI was hoping he’d be the one to get him and he is and we’re gon na head down to an undisclosed location, also known as dick’s sporting goods and get him these new wheels and tires for his truck and we’ll get back here and tell you guys What i totally screwed up on the trail boss, you learn the hard way, sometimes  there. We are all right guys. I want you to meet someone hey, what’s up brian nice, to meet you guys, so brian’s got a 2009 silverado that he’s dropping the trail boss wheels on we just kind of put him up to the side. That’S going to look sweet, yeah, pretty sweet! So 2009!
If you put on AFTERMARKET WHEELS… https://www.dieselegrdelete.comIt’S got the 5.3 5.3 liter makes me want to start working on the 07 again two inch leveling kit. In the front. I wanted to put like a bigger tire set up on the truck boss, so these are like they’re just over 32 inches.
dpf delete pipe https://www.dieselegrdelete.comThose are 35s offices, i kind of want to go with 35, but i know i’m gon na have to lift it a little bit higher brian, well, hey great, to meet you brother, nice to meet you thanks for driving all he drove all the way out from, Like south dallas all the way out here so big, thank you big mahalos. We are set it’s a nice truck that thing’s gon na look sweet with those trail boss, wheels i’ll show you guys a picture once he sends it to me. He has some big plans for that thing. I’M stoked for him brian absolute pleasure to meet you man, good luck with your truck it’s gon na last forever. Trust me that 5 3 will just keep going and going and going.
If you put on AFTERMARKET WHEELS… https://www.dieselegrdelete.comI got ta, run a walmart and get some groceries because here’s dad life – oh my goodness, guys if you missed the last video you missed out pretty decently, because we’ve kind of restructured the garage a little bit paradise. Cove has changed quite a bit because we have a massive upgrade with a brand new toolbox, guys we upgraded big time. I am blown away how freaking cool this is and how good everything looks and how functional and efficient i can be now now that everything is relatively organized versus what it was previously in my little kupuna toolbox, which is not gone anywhere guys. This is the toolbox. My grandfather, my copula, gave me when he passed away.
egr delete kit https://www.dieselegrdelete.comThis will be with me: i guarantee forever, but uh, all his old, screwdrivers and stuff. It’S just really cool to have there’s things that he used for decades yeah. This is something special for me now speaking of generations, but wait there’s more so guys welcome back to this little garage, um yeah, so we have an issue with the trail boss. Fortunately, i figured it out and i am an idiot for not knowing this before all right. So if you haven’t been around the last couple of videos, let me bring you up to speed here.
If you put on AFTERMARKET WHEELS… https://www.dieselegrdelete.comNumber one is our lift kit we installed just a few weeks ago. The ready, lift sst two inch lift kit for the at fours and trail boss, so the trail boston factory is two inches higher than the stock silverado. This pushed an additional two inches higher in the front, the rear we actually didn’t touch at all the two inches in the front, put the rear in the front perfectly level, and then, on top of that, we fit 35 by 12 and a half nitto ridge, grapplers Wrapped around hd pro’s hd1 wheel – this is a 20 by 11, with a negative 33 offset. So hopefully that clears up a few questions. Now here is what i have had to learn the hard way.

If you’re like me and watching this channel, it’s highly likely that you enjoy modifying your vehicles, making it unique and your own and that’s what we are trying to do with the 2020 trail boss, lux hd makes this hd pro wheel, it’s nominal looking wheel, but what Lux hd will do like every other aftermarket wheel company when they manufacture the wheels they want to make it relatively universal. Obviously, the bolt pattern will be different if you want from like a ford to a chevy, but as far as the center bore, they will typically make this fairly large to fit over multiple hubs. Now. The issue i ran into with is how large this center bore is when it’s mounted on my stock silverado hub. There is a large difference in between the edge of the wheel and the edge of the hub, and this is supposed to be sitting directly on the hub.
If you put on AFTERMARKET WHEELS… https://www.dieselegrdelete.comNow, automotive manufacturers built cars from the factory they’ll design the wheel to fit perfectly onto that hub now. For example, the f1 i’ll leave the zl1 right here. I actually purchased oem zl11 wheels, which bolted perfectly onto the hub of the base zl1. It’S designed that way. Now, if i were to put the stock trail boss wheels back on here, they would sit flush right up against this hub.

Now, the difference is when you go to aftermarket wheels that hub don’t line up. So when you go to mount your aftermarket wheel, you have this massive space in between the new bore and the stock hub. Now, most of the time, if you’re, using lug nuts like this to have that acorn end on it, this will center that wheel onto the hub to keep it from vibrating. But for whatever reason, i got a little bit of vibration. Out of my front end – and i wasn’t too happy about it now – the issue i had gave me the opportunity to pick up a new tool, so i got myself a digital caliper.
If you put on AFTERMARKET WHEELS… https://www.dieselegrdelete.comFinally, i’ve always wanted one of these. So what i did was i measured my stock hub and then i measured my aftermarket wheel to make sure that i was getting the right size of top centered ring now before we hop into showing you the measurement i got. Ta show you something pretty dang cool. Now, if you remember back a few weeks ago, we tried out this new light, called an o light. Now, it’s a very premium really good flashlight, and one thing i didn’t expect is how much i was really going to use that sucker over and over now.

This thing’s been out in my garage. I use it nearly every single night when i come out here to find whatever the olight parent ii really cool magnetic. You can stick it really anywhere and it’s got a magnetic charger and to be completely transparent. I still have not charged this since the day i bought it. One thing i did not anticipate was how many comments i got and a lot of you guys actually use this stuff for your professional job.
If you put on AFTERMARKET WHEELS… https://www.dieselegrdelete.comNow. The reason i’m bringing this to you today is like a lot of companies, guys olight’s having a black friday sale 24th of november at 8, 00 pm. It begins through the 29th of november. So you have to act quick now, two of the lights i wanted to show you quick was the new swivel and the banton three. This bantam three is actually really cool, because this is something i’m gon na go ahead and leave in that trail boss, because this little case it sits in continues to charge the light over and over.

And then the swivel here is really convenient, because you can stick this thing really on anything as we’re gon na do here in just a second in that wheel hub because it is getting pretty dark out so guys, link in description below. I don’t bring you anything that i truly don’t use myself and don’t have passion, for these are phenomenal flashlights. These are affiliate links. So if you do make a purchase off these links, i see a small commission from that sale. So it’s a great way to support the channel by giving yourself a pretty dang good flashlight take my word for it.
If you put on AFTERMARKET WHEELS… https://www.dieselegrdelete.comThese are phenomenal so guys when i had this issue, it’s a good opportunity for me to go pick up a new tool and i finally picked myself up a digital caliper. Now what i measured on my hub and on the bore of the wheel was a 78.1 millimeters to 106. Millimeters was the gap between the bore on my hub and the boar on the inside of the wheel. So by the way guys, the greatest cameraman in the world is back on the vlog say hello, hello, awesome.

So i was able to use my new digital caliper tool, then buy myself a set of cup centric rings. These are aluminum, they do come in aluminum or plastic, and i got mine from This is the cheapest part, really of any wheel and tire install, and it’s something that you should not overlook. Now when you get your new hubcentric rims, you need to make sure that this sits perfectly flush on that hub.
If you put on AFTERMARKET WHEELS… https://www.dieselegrdelete.comIf there’s any play at all, these aren’t doing you any favors. On top of that, these need to also be flush on your wheel, so finding the exact right size is the most critical part of it. Now. Look at that cap how much space that that feels now when i installed this on all four wheels and tires this took away the vibration. I was feeling at highway speed and i have that peace of mind that my family is safe in this massive truck.

So hub center greens, guys what you can do you can either look up online for the size of the hub. You can get these in aluminum and different alloys, but they also make these in plastic now the size of this one. I don’t know if i’d recommend plastic, there have been cases and forms saying that these will seize on to the steel, given they are different metals, how they react together and it creates corrosion and whatnot. Now this does seize on i’ll use fire and get it off holy shnikeys at work, i’m more comfortable having an aluminum alloy versus a little piece of plastic. If you guys are doing this for yourself, if you’re buying aftermarket wheels and tires, please do yourself a favor.
If you put on AFTERMARKET WHEELS… https://www.dieselegrdelete.comTake that extra step get yourself some hub, centric rings, don’t be an idiot like me, so an important update for you, guys, we’ve gone through two full tanks of gas. I should know three now: three full tanks of gas and unfortunately, my original calculation of 15
4 miles per gallon is inaccurate, the last two tanks of this truck. I am now 14.5 smiles per gallon, because this is now my mileage. This truck used to get 17.

like clockwork installed. The pulsar lt lost quite a bit, threw 35s in there and a two inch lift and we’re now sitting that 14.5 smiles per gallon, which is obviously the most important thing a little bit of an update for you. There, the world’s greatest cameraman, wants mcdonald’s, i’m pretty sure him and his brother i’ve been talking about unionizing, all right so on the inside guys, as you saw before, that huge gap in between the bore of the wheel and the hub of the truck. This fills that gap there, and now we have a nice flush, anti-vibration mounted surface for us to put our lug nuts on.
If you put on AFTERMARKET WHEELS… https://www.dieselegrdelete.comWe know everything is centered perfectly now, speaking of lug nuts, hey hey you like my new flashlight. So what do you guys think today earned mcdonald’s, clear,? What i am doing is re-torquing all four tires, even though i didn’t touch any of these three. It’S a good practice to have just to make sure you are safe, especially if she’s driving with those two all right, we’re all torqued ready to go coming down. No babies, a good job yeah, so whole foods is relatively educational, was wasn’t crazy, action-packed or anything.

Brian was a pleasure to meet you this morning, dude. That being said, if you haven’t subscribed to the channel just yet, i think he’s pointing at my knees right now. This relatively helpful smash that, like button below helps me out, helps channel, helps us to go to college one day, not really, but subscribe to the channel guys hit the notification bell. We’Ll see you in a few days for our next video until that day comes we’ll be cruising in the drill box. Y’All take care, we hope, mcdonald’s, wow, see you guys next week.

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